The Top 5 Regenerative and Oxidative Therapies For Superhuman Energy with Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM

Content By: Ari Whitten

In this episode, I am speaking with Robyn Benson, DOM – who is a doctor of oriental medicine and has applied her knowledge of acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies, ozone, regenerative PRP therapies, and leading-edge energy medicine to help patients get out of pain and achieve optimal and sustainable health. We will talk about the top five regenerative therapies for superhuman energy.

Table of Contents

In this podcast, Dr. Benson and I discuss:

  • The difference between oxidative damage and oxidative repair processes
  • The major effects of ozone on the human body
  • The unique benefits of ozone Prolozone – what it is, and how it works
  • PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields) – is it safe?
  • Using IV vitamin C for boosting your health
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Ari: Hey there, welcome back to the Energy Blueprint Podcast. I’m your host, Ari Witten, and today I have with me, my friend, Robyn Benson. And for 28 years, she has been a doctor of oriental medicine and has applied her knowledge of acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies, ozone, regenerative PRP therapies, and leading edge energy medicine to help patients get out of pain and achieve optimal and sustainable health. She founded and built the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health and pioneered the self-care revolution. 

She is the author of the bestselling book Travel with Vitality: 7 Solutions to Sleeping Well, Staying Fit and Avoiding Illness. She’s a mother and adventure enthusiast, world traveler, and speaker. And she brings an innovative and game changing approach to today’s healthcare. And in this presentation, she’s going to be sharing five therapies for superhuman energy. And I’ve had a chance to look over her presentation and also speak to her on the phone about it. And I am super excited to get into this information and I know you guys are going to love it. So welcome, Robyn, such a pleasure to have you. 

Robyn: Thank you, Ari, very excited for this presentation. A passion project and what I get to do in my practice every single day.

What is regenerative medicine

Ari: Yeah. So you focus on regenerative medicine in your practice.

Robyn: Right.

Ari: For people who are unfamiliar with that term, what is that and how does it relate to optimizing energy levels to creating superhuman energy? 

Robyn: It’s everything. It’s one of the fastest areas of medicine right now. So really, it is the reverse of aging and degenerative diseases. It’s the art and science of boosting healing naturally and under functioning endocrine systems, and boosting, also damaged tissue. So it’s a big part of what I do every day to help people regain their energy to reverse disease processes. It’s huge. So, oxidative medicine is a big part of regenerative medicine. A lot of people know about PRP. They know about ozone and medicine. We’re going to be talking about all those because people want to be able to turn on their own biology. That’s what regenerative medicine is, to turn back the clock naturally, and get out of pain. That’s huge. 

Using Ozone Therapy

Ari: Absolutely. So let’s get into it. What are these five regenerative therapies that you’re going to be talking about? 

Robyn: Okay. The first one I want to talk about is ozone. And I brought this into my practice about 20 years ago. As a doctor of oriental medicine, early in my career, and what I still see is that people are wired, tired, sick, and in pain. And I was just seeing more and more like acute and chronic illness and I’m thinking, “What can I possibly add to my practice that is going to really help people reverse these conditions?” Like, so much more cancer, autoimmune diseases. And I have to say, ozone is incredible. It’s considered an oxidative medicine. 

So, what is that? I mean, all disease is a form of oxidation, right? Literally, it’s a form of degeneration, accelerated aging. So how do we turn that around? How do we help people with Lyme disease and different forms of cognitive decline, which we’re seeing more and more, Alzheimer’s, and people with just crazy infections? Right now everyone’s worried about the Coronavirus. And this is a go to that we’re helping people to not only boost their immune system but people who are already immune challenged, are getting ozone therapies and there’s a lot to choose from. 

So we just to talk about this regenerative medicine, to talk about oxidative medicine. I mean, truly we are as healthy as our 70 trillion cells in our body. And what’s true is that we are compromised in so many different ways right now. When we think about all the toxins and the geopathic stress from living indoors, and all this Wi Fi, now 5G, people are riddled with infections that they can’t get rid of. They’re getting sick, and they’re like, “Why am I… you know, it’s not just 10 days, but here it is six weeks and I’m still sick. What can I do for this?” So this is when we offer these oxidative therapies. This is when we say, when it comes to ozone, there are many, many choices. 

Ari: I have a quick question for you. So, something that’s not very counterintuitive for a lot of people is, we all know sort of oxidants and oxidative stress, oxidative damage, these are all things that are very much associated with disease and aging. And so it’s very counterintuitive to then be talking about oxidative therapies, to be talking about oxidation based therapies as something that is anti-aging, as regenerative. So can you explain that concept to people before we get into the specifics of these therapies?

Robyn: Sure. So when it comes to ozone, and we’re going to be talking about vitamin C, there are electron donors. So when we think about the oxidative stress of the free radicals that are cruising all around our bodies, these actually donate, these types of therapies donate electrons to create hydrogen peroxide, which really helps with infections. It helps to increase glutathione levels and interferon. So these are some of the best possible therapies out there that are oxidative, but help to create these reactions in our body that turn around; that can reverse this oxidative damage. Does that help explain it a little bit? 

Ari: Yeah. So, let me add one layer, which is, what is the distinction between something that is creating oxidative damage versus something that is an oxidative therapy? Like, why do some forms of oxidative stress actually result in damage and accelerated aging, and are contributors to disease? And why do some have therapeutic, anti-aging, regenerative effects? 

Robyn: Okay, so there are so many things that are causing toxic overload in our body; that are causing this oxidative damage. So, oxidative therapies like vitamin C and ozone, actually, the way when it is given to the body, it helps to increase your own oxygen supply because look at ozone as an O3 molecule. You’re thinking, “How does that possibly add to an… how is that helping with this degeneration that’s going on or these disease processes?” What happens is it breaks down into ozone. So it breaks down into oxygen, it helps to highly oxygenate the system. It helps to reverse these metabolic situations that are happening; that are causing this energy decline that we’re actually not producing any energy in our mitochondria as efficiently. Does that help you understand a little bit more?

Ari: Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, for example, exercise is something that creates…

Robyn: Oxidative stress, right.

Ari: Oxidative stress, but it’s also something that’s profoundly linked with health benefits. Whereas, like heavy metal exposure might also cause oxidative stress and oxidative damage, but is likely to just result in damage, without lots of benefits. My understanding would be, most of this is related to hormesis. And how these oxidative stressors in the appropriate dose and the appropriate type of stressor can basically interact with our internal antioxidant defense system in a way that bolsters that system, so that it becomes more resilient against a broad range of other stressors. 

Robyn: Exactly. 

Ari: Okay. Got it. So, which of these five regenerative therapies do you want to get into first, ozone? 

Robyn: Ozone, for sure, because this is the one that we use the most here and where we have seen the most dramatic effects in our patients. And we’ve been doing this for almost two decades and people come from I’m all over the country to get these therapies. Whether we’re injecting ozone in their joint or we’re doing major autohemotherapy, where we’re taking maybe 60 to 200 cc’s of their blood, and then we’re infusing it with ozone. And you can just see it before your very eyes, the shifts that are happening with the blood and that goes into the body, and it immediately helps with the oxygenation that’s necessary. So it’s like a mini dialysis. It’s a way of kind of cleansing the blood. 

I’ve studied with Dr. Frank Shallenberger. He’s probably one of the leaders in the field of ozone, Dr. Robbins, Dr. Gary Gordon. And so what we’re seeing in what happens in the body with ozone is it helps increase cytokine activity, which results in enhanced immune function and stem cell activity. It’s also helpful for oxygen utilization. So again, when we think about this toxic world in which we live in, people are really having trouble with getting oxygen not only in their body but how it’s getting into their tissues. It’s being compromised for so many different reasons. So it increases the oxygen efficiency in the body. 

And actually, ozone has been known to be used in health for over 150 years. It was actually first used in World War Two. So with people that had infections from, let’s say, gun wounds. It was used to actually disinfect water, people would drink water and this is used more and more, now than ever. And it was Nikola Tesla, I’m a big Tesla fan, but he was the one who came up with it, who designed the first ozone generator. So what we have here is an ozone tank that is hooked to an ozone generator and that’s how we get to produce ozone. 

So we are injecting it, as we said, into joints, we’re putting it into the bloodstream. We’re having people, internasally, to actually inhale it, sniff it through their nose to help with sinus infections. It’s actually used for ears, for ear infections. We’re also using it topically for people who have wounds that are not healing. And also, it’s very effective… I don’t know if you’ve ever done this before, Ari. Have you ever had ozone therapy, first of all?

Ari: I haven’t. No. 

Robyn: Okay. Well, there’s a lot of prostate cancer and there are a lot of people with parasites, and lots of gut issues. So, doing rectal ozone, and we also doing ozone for women with bladder infections.

Ari: that’s it, I’m out. As soon as you start talking about sticking stuff up my butt, I’m out. Let’s move on to the next therapy. No, I’m just kidding.

Robyn: Let me tell you how great it is. You know, people get kind of a high from this. In fact, when we are using ultraviolet blood irradiation or we’re doing major autohemotherapy with ozone, I mean, people can walk in here kind of like feeling like they’re on their deathbed and just feel that shift in their body. I mean, it’s like you can see that their lights are going on in their eyes and they can breathe better. So it’s incredibly effective for helping people with these degenerative diseases. And this is the flu, right? People are worrying about the flu. 

So people are coming in and they know that they’ve been on antibiotics, they’ve been eating healthy, but they still can’t get rid of their cough or they’re still having horrible body aches. And usually this one or two, or three treatments of ozone can be the shift that they needed. So, ozone is fantastic, as I mentioned, for viruses, it’s good for arterial plaque. We see a lot of that. What is plaque in the body? Very often, there’s infection. There’s low grade mycoplasma. There’s some type of infection that’s causing this plaque buildup. It accelerates the citric acid cycle. This is all about how we’re producing energy in our mitochondria. It also increases interferon. You know how important that is. And it stimulates production of tumor necrosis factor. So there’s so much of this going on, right? We don’t say we treat cancer but it’s incredibly effective. 

We had a patient recently who had skin cancer on his hand, and they went in and they cut it all out, and then he had a major infection after that surgery. And he was afraid, you know, he went to a wound clinic, nothing was happening. He did one or two hyperbaric oxygen, that’s also really great. But when we did the major autohemotherapy on him, also known as the Ten-Pass, it took about three treatments, and he began to heal. I mean, it completely reversed the infection that was happening. He’s had no sign of that cancer returning. 

And this is very often, like, especially with diabetic neuropathy, where you’re seeing, you know, limbs are amputated when these infections just become systemic. I’m telling you, if this was used in hospitals all across the world, certainly in this country, we would see a lot less, if ever that would have to happen. That’s how powerful ozone is. 

Ari: Wow. I have a question for you. So you mentioned that a lot of the benefits of ozone are coming from oxygenation, enhanced oxygenation of the blood. So, if that’s the case, why use O3? Why use ozone instead of oxygen? Like, why not just pump O2, oxygen into the blood? Or why not go, you know, breathe oxygen from an oxygen generator, like you do like at altitude, for example, or why not use a hyperbaric oxygen chamber? Why use ozone? What are the unique effects of ozone, besides just oxygenating the blood? 

Robyn: That’s a fantastic question. It’s far more powerful. I mean, ozone is really considered like one of the most powerful active forms of oxygen in the universe. Obviously we have the ozone, you know, we have that ozone layer that protects us from ultraviolet light, but its way more potentiated. We do oxygen therapies. We have exercise with oxygen, it’s really great, but it’s not as powerful as ozone. In terms of its effect on the cells, in terms of how it’s breaking down into the hydrogen peroxide and interferon, it’s just much, much more powerful. Oxygen on its own, it’s breaking down into oxygen, obviously, and into hydrogen peroxide, and increases your glutathione, in a way that just oxygen alone is not as effective. 

Ari: So as far as energy levels, specifically, obviously there’s lots of specific roles for ozone in combating various symptoms, various diseases, wound healing, preventing infections, things like that. But what would you say are sort of the key mechanism or mechanisms that relate to enhance energy levels specifically?

Robyn: Okay, so it increases the NAD, NADH ratio, which is a longevity marker, which increases the mitochondria output of ADP. This is really important, the 2-3DPG, I’m sure other speakers on this summit will be talking about that. 

Ari: They might not actually. I mean, I’ve done 200 interviews on my podcast, I’ve never had somebody mention 2-3DPG. 

Robyn: Really? This is very important because this helps to get the oxygen out of the red blood cells and get the oxygen into the tissues. So this is one of the greatest impacts of ozone therapy in the body. So this is good. I’m glad we’re bringing this up. So there are many, many diseases. I mean, the list is so long. So here’s a short list and this is what we’re seeing every day in our center

here, but Lyme disease, it’s fantastic. I mean, it’s actually helped reverse Lyme disease. There’s clinical papers or you can Google that and see the amount of people’s lives that have been upgraded greatly, by actually reversing Lyme disease and other diseases.

Heart disease, we talked about that. Tumors, allergies, sinusitis, gut infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, retinitis pigmentosa, in fact, for any degenerative diseases of the eyes, ozone therapy is really, really effective. Degenerative joint disease, dental infections. Also, I do a lot of ascetics, platelet rich plasma. I do natural facelifts with PRP. So whether I’m using platelet rich plasma in a joint or I’m using it in the face or the scalp, in the breast tissue, intravaginally, I also do it for men with erectile dysfunction, I add ozone. Again, because of that way in which it helps increase circulation, oxygenation, the creation of new blood vessels, and the strength of red blood cells. Like in terms of the red blood cell walls.

So it’s really one of the top regenerative medicines. In fact, a lot of the stem cell clinics in the country, where they’re doing exosomes or some type of stem cells, three days before, you want to highly get the body oxygenated. Yeah, we can have our patients exercise with oxygen but when they also get a Ten-Pass, where they’re getting major autohemotherapy to blood treated under ozone, that really helps to create a much healthier body for a lot of these other regenerative therapies out there. So, stem cells are big and there’s a lot of ways in which clinics are using those, and using different forms of stem cells. 

And NAD, we’re going to talk about too, but we look at things that are helping the body increase that autophagy and get rid of those senescent cells, those… what’s another great word for those? Zombie cells, right? Get rid of the metabolic crap in our body. It’s like scabs in our bodies that stay there; that create havoc throughout the system. So this is one of the great treatments out there. I just want to mention, during the outbreak of, you know, just viruses over the last five to 10 years; that ozone therapy…. So in Africa, what was the most recent one?

Ari: Ebola?

Robyn: Ebola, right. That Dr. Robbins and not Dr. Shallenberger, Dr. Rowan, actually went to these areas in Africa and just did direct ozone to the body. That’s not something that we do here or we did various forms of autohemotherapy. And you know, people would be on their deathbed, I’m just showing you how powerful this is. So the ozone therapies that we offer, again, the ones that I’ve already mentioned, but here they are, again, just so you can have a visual sense. But ozone saunas are really excellent too. We have people sit in an ozone sauna. And again, we have an oxygen tank that’s making the ozone. And you don’t want to breathe too much of this ozone in your mouth. It can be oxidative, it can be toxic. 

Ari: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. How does the ozone sauna work because my understanding is ozone is quite toxic to breathe?

Robyn: This is where you have to work with somebody who really knows what they’re doing. It’s not something that you play around with. So the concentration of ozone is very, very, very low. Like, when we’re doing like major autohemotherapy, it’s measured in gamma, we might do 70 gamma, but you don’t want to do 200 gamma. And then when I’m doing a ProlozoneTM shot, maybe 20 gamma, and insufflations, even less. So the concentration really matter. So when we’re doing an ozone sauna, we put a protective cover over the neck, so they’re not reading in too much ozone. 

Same thing with air purifiers with ozone, you’ve just got to be really careful. Use them for maybe an hour at a time, have a window opened up a little bit, but it can be very, very toxic in high levels. So people have this tendency, even with ozone, in terms of how you can get rid of mold in your home or after a major fire because it really does clear out the air; it just has to be well ventilated, and it’s not something that you want to have your body in when it’s at higher levels. So you just need to know, you don’t play around with ozone. You definitely want to go to somebody who knows what they’re doing. 

Ari: Got it. 

Robyn: I want to move on because I want to talk about Prolozone because this is probably one of the favorite things that I get to do every day in my practice that helps people with chronic and acute pain. And I can’t even tell you how many hundreds of people that have been able to cancel surgery because of Prolozone. I also do PRP but Prolozone is a lot less expensive. And it’s like crazy to think that I’m injecting ozone to a joint. But what we do first, it’s a three step process, is we actually inject a proliferative agent that’s dextrose, and we do a little bit of B12. 

We have something called [inaudible], which has amino acids and peptides, some anti-inflammatories that we put in there first, followed by the ozone. It is obviously a non-surgical procedure. The effects are really quite rapid. And you can see it under ultrasound, where there might be a little tear in the MCL, you can actually see it go back to its original nature rather quickly.

Ari: I’ve seen some really impressive research on injecting ozone into spinal discs, degenerated or ruptured spinal discs, with some really amazing effects. 

Robyn: It’s amazing. Every part of the body you can imagine. I help restore ankles that have been sprained or strained knees, it’s probably most effective in knees. Again, this is the Energy Summit. There’s so many people walking around in pain and that depletes our sense of wellness in lots of different ways. And it’s just probably the most miraculous, inexpensive thing that I offer my patients. Tennis elbow, any type of shoulder issue. SI joints, right? A lot of people coming in with back pain and a lot of times I just do Prolozones into their SI joints, done; one session. 

Hip problems. You know, help people that are scheduled that really, really need a hip replacement, and they’re bone on bone. Is this going to really help repair a bone on bone situation? No, but it really still helps with pain, it helps reduce inflammation, and increases circulation. It’s also fantastic, Ari, for scar tissue. I love to just go into scar tissue areas and help break that fibrous material up… out… break it down. How about that? Break it down, and increase circulation, blood flow to the area. 

Ari: You mentioned it decreases inflammation. My understanding is this is sort of hormetic in nature, it’s actually creating some oxidation and a slight amount of damage in the area, in a way that stimulates a temporary inflammatory state. But actually, it’s like a positive inflammation, as in like an acute injury. Like you sprained your ankle, you’re supposed to have inflammation there for a period of days to help facilitate healing. And this is, from my understanding, it’s sort of like just kind of kick starting the healing process of those tissues. 

Robyn: Exactly. So in this slide, to point number three, this causes a local inflammation in these weak areas, which then increases the blood supply and flow of nutrients, stimulating fibroblasts, osteoblasts, chondroblasts; it stimulates the tissue to repair itself. It strengthens and tightens, and it’s rather quick, which is pretty awesome. And then we often will stack… anytime I do Prolozone, we stack it with another one of these therapies I’m going to talk about, which is PMF. We always add that in terms of electroporation that happens, to help get the goodness of this proliferative agent that we inject in, to have even a longer lasting, amplified effect. 

So, Prolozone is just really important. I just want as many people that are listening to know about this and pretty much, you can find somebody in all the major cities that offer Prolozone. Gosh, it’s true, it resolves pain in about 80% of my patients and pain is the number one reason people go to doctors in the first place. And we think about the loss of work productivity, all the people that… you know, the opiate addiction that’s going on. Getting people off pain pills, period, is great. And quite frankly, when people do these type of regenerative therapies, we get them off ibuprofen, we get all NSAIDs. 

We don’t want them to take anything, like a week to two weeks before they come in, to really help their body be able to allow what’s possible with… again, it’s creating inflammation, so they might have a little bit pain afterwards but we don’t want them to take something that’s going to reverse the effects of this. So it’s incredible. I just can’t overemphasize how helpful this is to people. And even elderly patients who are already looking at their mitochondrial deficiency, right? They’re not producing as much energy and it doesn’t matter, age. I mean, of course, the younger people get better faster, but we help a lot of people in their 80s and 90s get back to those activities of daily living. People are depressed when they’re in pain, right? And they can’t do what they want to do. So it’s quite amazing. 

The Health Benefits of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy

Ari: Now I know I know you mentioned PMF, pulsed electromagnetic fields, in there and how you combine that with Prolozone. This is an interesting topic. I know you’re about to jump into this. I want to preface by saying, I looked into PMF very heavily and found a lot of positive research on it. And then I ended up speaking to, actually one of the guys who worked for NASA 20 years ago or so, and was instrumental in actually building some of this PMF technology. And he was basically saying, especially for pain, sort of the most well established use of this, for healing tissues and helping to fix pain. 

He was saying, “You know, we have a huge body of data. We know this works. But we don’t really know how it’s working or why it’s working. We know it’s really good, beneficial technology. But there’s a real deficit around understanding the mechanism.” So I’d be very curious to hear kind of your take on… I’m excited to hear your take on PMF and kind of how it’s working and why it’s working. 

Robyn: Okay, I’ve been using PMF in my practice since 2008. It was actually John Gray, Dr. John Gray, who was such a huge advocate of it, when he spoke at a nonprofit event that I had here. And so we were talking about, was that 12 years now that we’ve been using…? Yeah, about that. Basically to just encapsulate what PMF does, it’s using the power of nature. So it’s mimicking the energy field of nature to impact the way in which we produce energy in our mitochondria. It helps electroporation, so it helps with getting… it activates the sodium potassium pump, right? So it gets the goodness of like oxygen, vitamins, and nutrients into our cells, and helps with detoxification. 

So, Ari, I have a ton of technology and obviously, there’s a lot of amazing therapies here but with PMF it took me a while. It took me a good three to six months. I did a training on it. But the way in which I was like, “Oh my God, this is incredible,” was 300, 400, 500 of my patients, we did live blood cell analysis. Where we would look at their red blood cells under a microscope and you could see… you know, with inflammation, what we see is the red blood cells tend to clump together. Their cell walls are not well formed. And then within eight minutes of lying on this field, this pulsed electromagnetic field, it creates an energy around their body. And we would see it go from an inflammation with the red blood cells were sticking together… I’m going to show you a slide to really show. In fact, I’ll just flip over there really quickly and I’ll go back. 

Here’s an example. You see in the first slide, where red blood cells are clumped together? And just after eight minutes, this is what happens. The red blood cells are moving freely, you know, all the goodness, the oxygen is getting in. It’s detoxifying properly. It reduces inflammation; increases energy. And when it didn’t happen in eight minutes, maybe it would happen in 24 minutes. Why would it take 24 minutes for some people? Because they have more oxidative stress going on. They’re older, maybe. They’re dehydrated, you can see there, how important it is for hydration and mineralization, in terms of the efficacy of this therapy. 

So, what is happening in today’s world is we are not outdoors enough, right? We’re not living near the beach like I think you do, right? You’re lucky. So those negative ions. We’re not getting what is so necessary for every single cell in our body. And this slide just says at all. Dr. Werner Heisenberg, this is in the late 1800s, who said that electromagnetic energy is the fundamental energy upon which all living organisms depend. So in my medical career, learning this changed everything; it was like light bulbs went on, and using this therapy, I learned so, so much. That it’s really the key, when I think about this whole energy summit. Where people are focusing so much on biological reactions that are going on in the body, chemical reactions that are going on in the body.

But the real key that is most important is this electromagnetic field. So when we don’t have a healthy electromagnetic field around our body, our biological reactions and our chemical reactions are compromised greatly. So, every single therapy that people get at my center, we are implementing PMF on every treatment table. We also have high end levels of PMF for when we do our Prolozones and our PRPs, but just, we get them in a much heightened state. Whether they’re getting acupuncture, they’re getting a vitamin C, drip, whatever; that we are increasing, as you can see, it increases the health of every single cell in the body, and these red blood cells that are necessary for oxygen transport. 

Ari: I have a quick question for you. So this is pulsed electromagnetic fields. Some people might be wondering, “Okay, I keep hearing about EMFs being harmful.” What is the difference between these pulsed electromagnetic fields versus, you know, Wi Fi and my cell phone, and all these other sources of EMFs that people are warning are harmful to health?

Robyn: Yeah, these are low level fields that are similar to like, the healthy, the biological window that those lower frequencies of the Earth’s magnetic field that are necessary for all of life, which is about .5 to 25 hertz. A cell phone is about 2,000 megahertz. And now we’ve got 5G, right? So, oh my gosh, it’s scary because being in those fields, it disrupts the body’s ability to oxygenate. So it’s causing this oxygen deficiency that we’re seeing. Oxygen utilization is so low. All my Los Alamos patients that I see, they’re like around computers all day long, they are wired, they are tired, they are not sleeping, because they’re in these very unhealthy, high frequency ranges on a regular basis. Which is causing all kinds of disease, lots of oxidation. That’s why they need to come in here and get all these great things that help them restore health. So, does that help you understand? 

Ari: Yeah, absolutely.

Robyn: So, talking about the Schumann resonance, you know, the Schumann resonance is about 7 to 11 hertz. Okay, that is like, all of life thrives in that area. You were talking about NASA and this is where PMF became… why? The Austrian, the Russian scientists, and medical doctors, like, “What are we going to do?” The magnetic field around the Earth is measured in like microtesla and it’s literally half of what it used to be, which is a big contributor to why there’s this mass extinction going on in the world. It’s a huge, huge reason and why the whales are beaching. I mean, it’s really sad what’s happening in this world and a lot of it has to do with this healthy electromagnetic field of the Earth is diminished greatly. 

Therefore, thank God, there’s biomimicry. That’s where PMF comes in. It mimics nature. That’s why it’s like the home healthcare revolution, I fortunately have had this in my home for 12 years. I had young kids, they’re now in college, but whether they had an injury, they couldn’t sleep, I use it every single night because I’m, you know, 54 and I use all these therapies. I want to be superhuman and have superhuman energy, Ari. So I get to practice what I preach here, like every day. Yeah, and I’m indoors a lot with my work and big days, and I travel a ton. I get on that mat for eight minutes, before I exercise, after I get off a plane, and it helps with the ATP production.

As we look at this slide, it increases cellular oxygen levels, and stimulates intercellular communication. It’s fantastic, as you mentioned, yes, for pain relief. It accelerates tissue repair, promotes faster healing of injuries. When I was training for all my marathons, oh my gosh, I can even tell, if I got an injury, you know, lay off it for a day or two, get a Prolozone injection, do my PMF, bam, I’m back into my thing that I love to do, which is run. Increases cell membrane permeability through electroporation. This is where you can see how effective it is to get all this goodness into our cells.

Ari: So for people who are not watching the video, who are listening, there’s images here of basically a cell membrane before and after exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields. Showing that the membrane itself becomes more porous and is able to kind of move substances in and out of the cell better, during the pulsed electromagnetic field. 

Robyn: Exactly. Well said.

Ari: I have a question for you. So one of the things I learned in this conversation with this guy who was kind of instrumental in building this technology for NASA, is there’s a huge variety of PMF technologies on the market. And in many cases, they use radically different doses for the PMF. And there’s also some complexities around the nature of the wave of, you know, kind of the waveform of the pulse itself. And this guy was under the impression that that element of things is very important. I’ve also heard some kind of somewhat scary little anecdotes from a few people who have said something like, “You know, I tried certain PMF technology that was like the super high powered one, and my heart went into atrial fibrillation, and I had irregular heartbeats for months after that,” and things like that.

For example, Dr. Mercola’s girlfriend or wife was one of the people that mentioned that to me. And I’ve had a few people mention things along those lines. And the fact that there are like, technologies on the market, PMF technologies that are orders of magnitude higher than others, it’s a bit confusing for the average consumer to know which one is, you know, a good one or maybe too high power. I’m just curious, you know, you mentioned that you use a mat personally, I’m curious what brand you use. 

Robyn: We use one from Swiss Bionics in Germany, called that the IMRS, Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation, and we’ve worked with this company since 2008. And it’s designed for clinical practice. We have done all the research on it and its low level PMF. Then we have the PMF 100, which is a very powerful PMF device that we use; that we do not sell to our patients at all. It’s not meant for home use. You’ve just got to be really careful. You’ve got to know what you’re doing because you can get very hurt, very much so. 

Especially if you’re dehydrated, it’s really important to… like we invite our patients always like to drink water, you know, certainly before they get IV therapies. And water with no mineralization because we want to help with that sodium potassium pump. So it’s a really great question. The other thing is, we use a Gauss meter. So you can actually hear those frequencies that are coming out of that mat because people, it doesn’t heat you up. But there’s six Tesla coils in the mat that we use and it’s a pulsating, you can actually hear the pulsating frequencies that come out of it. And there are different levels that we can use. But very often with energy medicine, as a form of energy medicine, lower levels are just fine, you know, help people with all of these indications, but you do have to be careful. There is a lot of variety out there. 

There are pulse centers now, I think those are good. But the one that we’ve used has been very safe. Hundreds of our patients have invested in them because they’ve had good results here. And we’re helping them with their regenerative lifestyle, that’s a big part of everything we do. Is how to live a regenerative lifestyle, where obviously we have cell death, right? Obviously, we’re going to get older, but we can do it much better if we keep our body ATP production optimized, and PMF is really one of the best ways to do

that. Because our cells are like batteries and when they get dimmed, when our pilot light is literally low, it’s one of the quickest ways to kind of restore cellular energy, is with PMF.

The health benefits of IV vitamin C

Ari: Beautiful. What else do you have? I know you have just one more regenerative therapy.

Robyn: Sure. I guess there’s two more that I really wanted to talk about but IV vitamin C. Vitamin C and NAD, we do both of these but I’m going to really focus on vitamin C because it’s what we’re doing a ton of right now, with flu season and this concern with… people are very, very stressed out about this Coronavirus. So, vitamin C is something we do not make in our bodies and vitamin C is an important fuel for our cellular wellbeing. It is one of the best vitamins out there that really helps. Again, it’s an electron donor, so when there is oxidation going on in the body, it donates an electron to the hydroxyl radicals and these other free radicals in our body. It creates oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, and it has a cytotoxic effect.

I mean, there are clinics that just focus, like the Riordan Clinic, on vitamin C. So we use it for the common cold, any type of virus, bacteria, parasite, just to help people. We have a lot of movers and shakers that live in Santa Fe that are jet setting all over, they come in and they get a Myers cocktail, which has six grams of vitamin C. It’s essential for collagen and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. So when we think about dopamine and we think about serotonin, when we think about every single tissue in our body, our vessels in our body are made of collagen and we have this soft tissue, we need vitamin C. And a lot of us are deficient in vitamin C.

We test for vitamin C, zinc, nitric oxide, it’s rare that I see somebody with adequate levels of vitamin C and it’s so critically important to our immune system. So, like I mentioned here, it’s required to convert tryptophan into serotonin. Very important for our moods, our good moods. Fortunately, there are some good sources, we get to know what kind of vitamin C to take, in terms of an oral supplement. But when people are coming in with acute and chronic infection, they need 25 grams to 50 grams of C at any given time or we can start as low as six grams. And we do testing to find out, make sure everything’s okay, but it’s so safe. Vitamin C is so, so, so safe. 

So for anyone listening, worried about this Coronavirus, I would say take four grams of vitamin C a day. Right now at least. There are clinics or IV places all over the country now. Get an IV Myers, we do several of these, 10, 20, 30 of those a day. But again, people with third and fourth stage cancer, we have had several women with breast cancer and with lung cancer that we’re working with their oncologists and we’re helping because chemotherapy is oxidative. And it can help with the cancer but it also is eroding the landscape of health in the body. So we help their bodies to optimize, get their tissues and their collagen, and their mitochondria functioning better, post-surgery.

A lot of people decide that’s what they want to do. They want to do ozone therapy and they want to do vitamin C. So we get to offer that. Viral and bacterial infections, asthma, autoimmune diseases, adrenal liver support, I can’t even tell you how many people out there, probably 25 to 30%, or more of people have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Vitamin C is one of the best things you can do to keep your liver healthy, because our liver has 600, 700 different jobs to do and it’s burdened beyond belief. And so much sugar, there wasn’t even nonalcoholic fatty liver disease about 50, 60 years ago. It’s just the incredible toxic levels we’re getting with our food sources and high fructose corn syrup that’s causing a lot of this. And it causes exhaustion. 

Ari: So I have a question for you regarding this kind of landscape of vitamin C. So, there’s oral vitamin C, there’s oral in different forms, including liposomal, and then there’s IV vitamin C. Now, my understanding of this… and please, you’ve been doing this for decades and I certainly haven’t, but my understanding of vitamin C is something like this. So with oral vitamin C, the research I’ve seen shows that we can only absorb about 250 to 300 milligrams at any given time. So even if we take five grams or 10 grams of it at any one time, we might absorb only about 250 to 300 milligrams. 

If you do liposomal, that’s different, you can absorb quite a lot more. So IV seems to be a totally different thing, from what I understand. It seems to be, so you’re putting vitamin C directly into the bloodstream where there’s no limit on intestinal absorption. And they’re using, in many cases, like for treating cancer or chronic infections, upwards of 70, 90, 100 grams of vitamin C at any given time. And my understanding is that at those extremely high doses that are 300, 400 times greater than what you get from an oral dose of vitamin C, it seems to be acting more as a pro-oxidant, than an antioxidant. So that’s kind of my broad understanding of the literature. I’m curious if you would disagree with any aspects of that or how you’d kind of explain the distinction there. 

Robyn: Okay, so all three are helpful and when it comes to taking it orally, you have to care what type, sodium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, potassium, you want these really good choices that are complementary to a healthy gut reaction. Really, really important. There’s something called a vitamin C flush that you do orally that’s fantastic for immediately helping, an antioxidant helping to literally get some of the toxic crap out of our system rather quickly. Liposomal is fantastic but still, to get the high levels when you’re talking about major infection in the body, cancer, in terms of the research, certainly that I’ve done and studying with Dr. Levy, he’s one of the leading national experts on vitamin C, this has been the best research in terms of the shifts that are happening in the body when systems are highly compromised.

Again, we can think about it as the way in which it’s a donor electron with the free radical and the oxidative stress that’s going on in the body. So therefore, it’s helping to increase oxygen, glutathione, interferon, all the free radicals. And it’s turning them into helping increase more energy in the body. And also, when we think about the voltage of the cells, I mean, it’s helping increase the voltage of the cells. So I think there’s a lot more research that could be done, but we get the best results, I’m just saying, with whether we’re using six grams of vitamin C in a Myers cocktail, which goes directly in the body. 

People who’ve been sick for three weeks, they can’t get rid of their cough or their energy is just so depleted, bam, one or two of those, really helpful. Chronic fatigue syndrome. The oral way is not… even the ones that are made better in the powdered forms, which is the way we give it to our patients… we say, “Yes, and…” Get your vitamin C drip and take it because it’s water soluble. We don’t hold it in our body and we need to keep replenishing it more in today’s world, with all of the degradation of health that we’re seeing from food and toxins, and exercise. You know, I’m sure you as an athlete, when you take vitamin C with ribose in a powder, it’s amazing for that lactic acid that can be created in our body and turn that back into energy. 

Ari: Absolutely. 

Robyn: I don’t know if I answered that question really well, Ari.

Ari: You did. No, I think everything you said is very much aligned with what I was saying. Like, there’s research, absolutely showing it’s beneficial in oral form. And there’s also research showing in IV form that it’s also beneficial for certain things like cancer, like chronic infections, and it seems to be selectively toxic to cancer cells, from what I’ve read.

Robyn: Totally.

Ari: As a pro-oxidant. So I just thought this dual nature of it, at least this is my understanding, this dual nature of it at different levels in the body. Where at low levels, it seems to function primarily as an antioxidant and at high levels, it functions as a pro-oxidant. But it seems to be a selective pro-oxidant against, like harmful cells, against fighting infections, fighting microbes, and fighting cancer cells. I just thought that it can function as both an antioxidant and pro-oxidant is very special. 

How to use NAD to optimize health

Robyn: Exactly. And just finally, we don’t have a lot of time, but I was just going to talk about NAD.

Ari: Yeah, please.

Robyn: Again, NADH is in every single cell in our body and as we age, it’s deficient. So when we’re thinking about anything from addictions to cognitive decline, oh my goodness, we have so many patients that are just saying like, you know, they may be 60 or 70 years old or they’re biohackers and they’re like, “I just want more energy. I just want to feel better. I’ve been reading about NAD IVs and injections,” and they will come in. They’re pretty expensive but what we are finding, especially with our patients with cognitive decline, after three or four of these IVs, the lights turn on again. You help to regenerate the liver, good for the blood vessels, good for circulation. Really impactful for neurogenesis. It’s Dr. Ayman Clinic. 

I mean, there’s so many PET scans that just by seeing before and after with an addict or a traumatic brain injury, somebody with cognitive decline, to see the shifts that happen in the different parts of the brain with just NAD therapy. I can’t say just NAD therapy, when we give it to our patients, we also have them take… we have a supplemental form of NAD, which is a B3 that we’ll have them take orally and get great results. NAD is really used a lot in regenerative medicine because this is a big, big issue with Alzheimer’s and anything from even ADHD; people with really severe forms of ADHD.

But NAD declines radically, like, you know, half of our life we’re not producing as much NAD and as we know, in terms of ATP production, it’s very, very important. So just more than anything, because of all the different speakers that you have, I just thought it would be really important to share these five different regenerative therapies that we do that radically shift cellular health, from being into a state of degeneration, turning it back into regeneration. That’s what we’re about.

Ari: Yeah, that’s beautiful. A quick question on NAD+, I know we spoke on the phone a bit about this. My understanding of the literature is kind of that there isn’t a whole lot there. And I said this to you on the phone and I liked your response to me. There’s not a whole lot of research there around IV NAD+, we know that there’s lots of research showing that low NAD+ levels are a driver of aging and disease, and are linked with low energy states. And we know that supplementing with some of these precursors like NMN and NR, nicotinamide mononucleotide and nicotinamide riboside, and even the B3s, niacin and niacinamide, can boost levels of NAD+. 

But then this IV, it’s sort of analogous to the vitamin C situation, you know, the low dose orally versus massive doses direct into the bloodstream, versus with IV. So my understanding again, is just there isn’t a whole lot of research out there on IV NAD+, to know if it’s good or if it’s potentially problematic. I know some people obviously report discomfort during the process itself. But then there’s lots of anecdotes of people saying it helped them a ton. I’m just wondering if you have any thoughts on kind of the use of IV NAD+, the evidence to support it, and that versus the use of oral NMN and NR, or vitamin B3, niacin and niacinamide.

Robyn: Yeah, I’m very fortunate that I got to meet the pioneers in NAD+ therapy. So, this has been going on since like the early 1960s. There’s been a ton of research on the efficacy of it. I mean, literally, when you think about, again, the opioid addiction thing that’s going on and addictions in general that are happening in this country, the research has shown that it is one of the quickest things to get people out of an addictive pattern. Like, there are alcoholics, we see a little bit of everything here in northern New Mexico, pretty much by day three or day four, they’re not having cravings anymore. That’s because of the neurogenesis that’s happening and the ATP production. 

Like, they can barely function, barely talk to us, and then it’s like, lights are on. It’s pretty quick. I mean, I get to see it before my very eyes, before I brought it to my clinic, like everything I do, I did ten of these in 11 days. Oh my God, so my body has been through it. You know, I’m a healthy woman but I put my body through a lot of stress as a marathon runner, full on practice, raising kids, the whole life. I’ve got it going on. I found it really helped me with my brain function. I actually found out I have a fatty liver, which is crazy but it helped to shift that around. 

So we just get to see it. We get to see changes in terms of bloodwork, we do lots of different types of labs to see the shift. So there’s a reference I have in this slide, as you can see, and then at the end, I’ve got a couple more, but I think if people do the research, they’ll see the efficacy of this. And how it just something we have in every single cell in our body, and a lot of that are having fatigue issues and brain fog, very often our energy levels are declined. Our glutathione levels are cascaded, there’s a bunch of different things that are deficient. I mean, all disease has to do with all of it. You know, it has to do with deficiencies and it has to do with all this oxidative stress. That’s what disease is and these therapies that we talked about today help to shift that to reverse that. 

Ari: Beautiful. So just to recap, we had ozone, Prolozone, PMF, vitamin C, and NAD IV or non- IV NAD+. It sounds like mainly IV NAD+. So, five powerful research backed tools to improve your health; improve your energy levels. Robyn, some of these are accessible only through a clinic. There’s obviously the potential for somebody to buy like a PMF device at home. Obviously, vitamin C can be done at home. People can use NAD+ precursors at home. But if somebody wants to do some of these in the clinic options, do you have any recommendations for them? And where can they get in touch with you if they want to visit your clinic in New Mexico? 

Robyn: Okay, and or Those are the two different websites. And you know, you were just saying that people who really can’t afford some of these, some of them can be expensive, right? Every single patient that walks in our door, we’re advocating a regenerative lifestyle. So intermittent fasting, food and exercise as medicine, this slide right here, optimized liver and kidney function. So for those of you, regardless whether you’re doing these oxidative therapies and regenerative therapies, this is what we practice here and we advocate to every single person. And a lot of this is for free. Just getting outdoors, being outdoors more is a form of regenerating a healthy you.

People can go to, there’s some great free information there but also, this too, there’s a great series of seven different videos that really take you through this regenerative protocol that we get to practice with our patients. And again, we’re looking at helping people extend their lives, but also to have the best possible energy, right? It’s not about living long, it’s how you’re feeling. You want that vitality. You want that sexual function, and you want your brain working. So this, protocol, this Benson protocol will walk you through these seven steps. 

Ari: Beautiful. Robyn, thank you so much. This was such a pleasure as always, to chat with you and thank you for being a speaker in this event, I really appreciate it. 

Robyn: Oh, it’s my pleasure. Thank you very much and cheers to all of you living a regenerative lifestyle. 

Ari: Yeah, absolutely. To everyone listening, I hope you enjoyed this episode with Robyn. I’m sure you did. It was packed with a whole bunch of amazing information to optimize your energy levels. And I will see you in the next interview. 

Show Notes

What is regenerative medicine (01:29)
Using Ozone Therapy (02:33)
The Health Benefits of Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy (28:11)
The health benefits of IV vitamin C (41:53)
How to use NAD to optimize health (52:00)


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